UCLan Sports Coaching graduate Sarah Nickless is celebrating after securing her dream job and winning a prestigious prize for academic excellence.
Sarah has been appointed as Football Development Officer for Somerset Football Association, where she will support the delivery of the National Game Strategy in partnership with key stakeholders.
She has also been rewarded for her efforts as a student after winning the S08 Sportswear Award for Academic Excellence 2015 on a programme within the Division of Sports Coaching and Development.
During her time at the university Sarah gained a wealth of additional experience, including being chosen to attend the BUCS Deloitte Leadership Academy, travelling to Rwanda as part of the FA's Changing Lives Programme and working as a Football Activator to help increase provision of the sport at UCLan.
Division Leader Leona Trimble said Sarah had reaped the rewards for going the extra mile during the course of her studies: "We are absolutely delighted for Sarah in graduating top of her divisional year group and then landing her dream job.
"She epitomised all that we advocate at UCLan - working hard academically, gaining additional qualifications and voluntary work to enhance her employability skills, and gaining relevant international experiences to enrich her learning.
"All the divisional staff are proud to have guided and supported Sarah along the way and wish her every success in the future."